The blog.

How Perth AFLW Athletes can reduce the risk of injuries
Fieldwork Health Fieldwork Health

How Perth AFLW Athletes can reduce the risk of injuries

Injuries pose a significant risk in both community and professional sports, prompting a shift in warm-up practices toward injury prevention. As a leading Musculoskeletal Injury Physio in Inglewood, we have seen AFLW injury numbers increasing but are thankfully preventable.

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ACL Rehabilitation
ACL Field Work Health ACL Field Work Health

ACL Rehabilitation

ACL rehabilitation begins before you go in for surgery, as it is critical to organize certain things to ensure a smooth transition post discharge. First thing should be to organize to see your physiotherapist to start off your rehabilitation. If you have seen your physio for prehab then a detailed timeline would have already been created. Getting this timeline completed is crucial to set key time points for the next 12 months.

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Non-Surgical Approach to a Torn ACL
ACL Field Work Health ACL Field Work Health

Non-Surgical Approach to a Torn ACL

The non-surgical or conservative approach involves an evidence-based program to restore normal muscle function and return to gym, field based sports and other sporting environments.

The rehabilitation process really is very similar to that of a surgical pathway, however time frames are expected to be faster. This is due there is no need to recover from surgery, or  have to be mindful of the graft. 

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7 Ways To Help With Tight Shoulders
Ross Field Ross Field

7 Ways To Help With Tight Shoulders

Tightness and stiffness in the shoulders is a common problem that can affect anyone. Younger, older, fit, or unfit. It can impact your daily life, your workouts, or your sport.

Unfortunately, when it comes to removing shoulder tightness and stiffness, people get the same generic advice of… “You should stretch more”. Stretch what? How? What if stretches do not make a difference?

This blog answers that exact concern - What else can I do to help tight shoulders.

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7 Ways To Fix Tight Hip Flexors
Ross Field Ross Field

7 Ways To Fix Tight Hip Flexors

Hip flexor tightness or tension is a common complaint we see in many people in the clinic. They can really limit the hip freedom we have that can get in the way of our work, workouts or sports. This can be tiring and frustrating - “I am doing what I have been told - why are they still tight!?”

We hope this blog not only sheds some light on the reasons why they are tight, but also gives you some guidance on how to fix those tight hip flexors for good…

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Top Tips For Isolation Headaches
Fieldwork Health Fieldwork Health

Top Tips For Isolation Headaches

Have you noticed an increase in the frequency of headaches and/or upper neck pain over the past few weeks? Here’s my top tips for managing these during this isolation period…

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Easy Tips For Body Maintenance At Home
Fieldwork Health Fieldwork Health

Easy Tips For Body Maintenance At Home

We are all spending more time at home lately. Our routines have changed and our bodies are doing their best to adjust. So here are my top stretches and releases you can do at home to try and rejuvenate your body!

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